I had the fleece covered soap wrapped up in this stocking and tied it. Then I drizzled hot water on and began the felting process. Gently tapping the fleece with hot water and gently massaging it all. So when I had what was sort of pre-felt over the soap, I opened up the stocking and took it out and decided to make something different...not another soap in a coat.
I decided to needle felt a landscape on one side of the pre-felt in honour of a friend's 100th birthday. You can see my Pumpkin Pixie displaying this coaster I made. She is the second little dolly I made with a "pipe cleaner" core. I don't know what else to call those things....not "pipe cleaner"..."Chenille Stem"...that sounds nicer..it doesn't conjure up the thought of stinky old tobacco pipes.
Here is the other side...I just needle felted over top of the pre-felt I started making on the soap. It was going to be another soap in a coat but this is what it became...a coaster with embroidery cotton blanket stitch around the edge. This is my very first little pixie I made. He has a "Chenille Stem" core so his arms and legs bend and stay in place.